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Thursday, January 05, 2006

Trying to find inspiration....

I spent about 2 hours at my favorite scrapbook store this morning. They were having a HUGE new year's sale. I exercised restraint, and mostly bought paper with a few goodies I have been wanting for a few months. 45 mins. of my time there was spent standing in line. It was crazy in that store!!!! Now I am home. . .FINALLY and trying to decide what to use all my new stuff on. I have been scrapping like crazy lately. I think it is because I am loving all the recent pictures I have taken. After looking at some of my Christmas pictures these three are the ones that keep screaming "use us, use us....we want to be on a scrapbook page!" Besides I can't look at them without laughing. We had a fun Christmas! Sorry mom and dad, but I had to share these!


Mom said...

I forgive you, but I have pictures of you also.

Heather said...

tehehe on your mom's threat.

I got a postcard today from that same store. . .I think. Sale from the 5th to the 8th with a free gift with purchase? They have never been high on my list as far as stores go. They rub me the wrong way for some reason. But hey, I'm glad you got some papers you'd been wanting for awhile.