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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I put my Hall of Fame entry in the mail this morning. I am not sure if I really have a chance, but at least I tried and feel like I accomplished something just by entering. Also I have 10 new scrapbook pages that I love that I wouldn't have made otherwise.

I also went to the Dr. this morning. Starting tomorrow morning I will be taking Synthroid, a thyroid hormone replacement. My test results show that I have a mild case of Hashimoto's disease, which is an auto-immune thyroid disorder. It is also hereditary. The Dr. said that without medication it would slowly become worse and with a second pregnacy become extremely problematic. Good thing I got this taken care of now. Now begins the process of figuring out what dosage I should take. Could take up to 2 months. He has started me on a low dosage which I will take for 2 weeks and then we will increase it until we find the amount that works best for me. Can't wait to feel normal again......or maybe for the first time?????

1 comment:

Heather said...

Good luck on HOF!

And I'm glad the dr. started you on meds. It always takes awhile for mine to get to the level I need them at. . . that stepping up every week or so is hard (so many of mine have weird side effects that I get)