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Thursday, January 19, 2006

At the park....

Mia and I went to the park last week to feed the birds. She really loved it. The birds get REALLY close if you have bread for them. Mia just laughed and laughed. It was fun. She also liked all the open space to run. She just starts off in a general direction and runs until she falls. It's really funny to watch.
Mia loved the swings at the park too. Even though it's hard to tell from this photo. She cried when I took her out of the swing. I think Mia and I will have to go to the park more often.

Yesterday was my first day taking my new medication and so far I didn't feel any different. I didn't expect too, since the Dr. said he thinks my dosage will be quite a bit more than what he started me on, but I did notice that my neck (where the thyroid is) was not anywhere near as swollen as the day before. It must be working!!!!

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