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Monday, September 19, 2005

New pet peeve

I have just discovered that on my photo of the day blog (which you can find by clicking of the link to the right) that people have been leaving comments. The problem is they are not really leaving comments they are leaving COMMERCIALS!! They say "I really love your blog check out mine" and when you get there it is just an ad for something. HOW RUDE!!! I can't believe people would go to the trouble to do that. I am thinking about turning the comment feature off. Just thought I would share.

1 comment:

Heather said...

blog spam . .. lovely huh? Up entirely too late (working on those lunch boxes) and decided to check out your 2peas gallery while I was thinking about it and ended up over here. You can turn on your word verification on your comments section (so that everyone will have to type in those random 6-8 letters) and it'll stop the spamming.

Cute blog . . .off to check the pictures.

And I gotta say . . .I have to do another round in the nursery before Mia hits one so I actually get to see her doing her jammin'!