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Monday, September 19, 2005

Lot of updating to do. . .

I have gotten so behind on my photo of the day so rather than trying to go back and update I think I will pick up posting pictures starting with today. Some of the pictures are from last week when we visited Mom and Dad. Mia loved the okra!

We had a long weekend. Saylor got home from Mississippi about 2:30am on Friday morning and we spent all day Friday just hanging out at home. Then I went to a cropping party at church that night. It was a lot of fun!! Saturday we attempted going to the Trade Days at McKinney but only stayed for about 45 mins. Mia couldn't take the heat. Her poor little face was all red and she seemed a little weak so we decided to go shopping at the outlet mall instead. I couldn't find any clothes that fit (as always) so we went home. Sunday was church and lunch and grocery shopping and I started feeling sick while at the store. By the time we got home I felt awful and had a fever and felt achy all day. Actually, I had a bit of a fever still this morning. We think it may have been the Taco Salad I had for lunch. Mia is super grouchy this morning and can't decide whether she wants to be held or wants to play on the floor. I hope Tues. will be a better day. Well, I'm off to post a photo of the day.

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