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Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The State Fair Report . . .

The State Fair was great!!! We saw the auto show and drooled over the new cars (even though we LOVE ours) and we saw the butter sculpture which in my opinion is not that impressive this year. It was Elvis and didn't really look that much like him. We went to the Natural History museum (see the photo of the day for a picture of Mia on a HUGE piece of Quartz) and the Aquarium where we saw sharks, and stingrays and seahorses and my favorite jelly fish. We ate turkey legs and french fries and a funnel cake and I still managed to stay on my diet. Mia loved the funnel cake. And we walked, and walked and walked and walked some more. I think we walked off the funnel cake.
Saylor's favorite thing was the Aquarium, mine was just getting to be together and Mia's was the Fisher Price playground. They had all of the new toys for kids to try out and she loved it.
I couldn't resist a picture with the giant stacking rings.

And here Mia is with what I think could be at the top of her Christmas list. She opened and closed and crawled through that door I don't know how many times.

We had a great time at the State Fair!!!!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Sounds like you had a great time! We didn't go this year. . .all these kids, we can go to 6 Flags cheaper and let them ride all the rides they want, instead of going to the Fair and instituting a 2 ride only rule. But I miss seeing Big Tex and the other things I remember from all my years at the fair.