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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Dr. Appointment this morning. .

Mia had her 9 month check-up this morning (even though she is almost 10 months). She weighed 18lbs. 3.5 ozs. and is 28 1/4 inches long. She didn't get any shots but got an anemia test and her levels are normal. The doctor was amazed again that she is already trying to walk. She says Mia is way ahead on her developmental schedule. I don't know where this Dr. went to school, but I have met lots of people who walked around 9 or 10 months so I don't think we have a budding Einstein on ours hands. Now if you want to talk about her ability to dance and stay in rhythm that's another matter. She swivels her hips and bounces her head back in forth in perfect rhythm to the music. Anyway, all is normal and she doesn't have another appointment until her 1 year birthday.


Heather said...

ROFL . . .I always laughed at that too. The "exceeds normal standards" thing. I think they want them to know 3 words by 15 months. All my kids knew that and more. . .what can I say, talkative mom, talkative kids.

Mom said...

She must get her swivel hips from her gandpa or maybe uncle Ed. Remember he could swivel pretty good too!