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Thursday, October 20, 2005

My aching thighs

I have been working out like a crazy person recently. I got a new DVD and it is great! It came with a resistance band (like a big rubberband) and my poor body is so sore I can barely stand it, but at least I know I am doing it right. I had my WW weigh-in this morning and lost .2 lbs. .2 . . . .what the heck!!! That is like the difference in taking a deep breath before I weighed or letting it all out. .2 could be the weight of the hair I've grown since last week. .2 could have been the face powder I put on this morning. I have worked my butt off this past week trying to lose at least a pound and. . . .2 Next time I'll make sure I clean the wax out of my ears and trim my finger nails and take off my toe polish and maybe I'll lose .4!!!! My total loss is 2.4 lbs. in 4 weeks. Not too good but it's a new week and this week I'll do it!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Cindy . . . .good luck with WW. I've done it twice, but decided it wasn't the right way for me to go this time. But it does work. ROFL . . .I just kept having babies and gaining it back.