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Saturday, August 13, 2005

Do I have too?

I was watching the movie "Parenthood" today and there is a line that never really affected me before. . . . Steve Martin says "My whole life is have too." Boy do I feel like that recently. I have to change the diaper. I have to feed the baby. I have to get up at the crack of dawn because Mia is ready to get up. I have to vacuum the living room. I have to clean the kitchen. I have to pay the bills. I have to work-out. I have to take out the trash. I have to mow the lawn. . .No wait Saylor does that one. Isn't it ironic that when you're a kid and have the time to do anything you want your parents won't let you and when you're an adult and are allowed to do anything you want you don't have the time. Right now if I could have anything I want it would be a vacation. Just me and my husband and NO HAVE TO's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On that note, tonight I GET to go out to dinner. That will keep me going through the next week of have to's.

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