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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

5 random things . . .

Someone started a blog challenge today and it was to post 5 random things about yourself that most people don't know so here goes:

1. I only like certain kinds of ice. I HATE the kind that comes out of most refrigerators (the moon shaped kind) because it always freezes back together in one clump and then while you are drinking it ALL comes sliding out and hits me in the nose and gets stuff all over my shirt. I LOVE Sonic ice (or rabbit pellet ice as my friend Rachel calls it) and my favorite is the kind that is really flaky and comes out of the ice machine in thin sheets. It is almost like a slush. That along with a good Dr. Pepper will always make my day!

2. I can rarely make it through a meal without some of the meal landing on my shirt. It is actually my best talent. No matter how I am dressed or where or what kind of food it is some piece of it will land on my shirt. EVERY TIME.

3. I can only sleep to my husband's left. You know how most people sleep with the man closest to the bedroom door. . .we tried that when we moved into our new house. I can't sleep on his right. I didn't sleep for 3 nights until we switched. Talk about neurotic!

4. I can not throw away a magazine. It doesn't matter how many pictures are already cut out of it or if it is practically falling apart. I might need it!

5. I don't like eating off paper plates. Especially if the food is saucy (like spaghetti) or cheesy. You can never get that last little bit of cheese off of a paper plate like you can a ceramic one.

Now you know 5 things about me you probably never wanted to know. It's your turn to share.

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