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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Want to get trashed??????

Trashing the dress........
This is a trend that is just starting to take off and I just really LOVE the whole idea and concept behind it.

Want to know more about it read this:
New York Times article about Trashing the Dress
Also check out the official blog:
Trash the Dress Blog
And for High School Seniors (really, really love this idea):
Let's get trashed Blog
this could also apply to school uniforms, graduation gowns etc.

So if there are any Brides (or Seniors) out there that want some AWESOME images in that beautiful dress that you obsessed over finding, spent a fortune on, and will NEVER wear again then give me a call and we will set up a super fun Trash the Dress session. I will be doing these for 1/2 off my regular session fee for the rest of the summer. So book during June, July or August and your session fee is just $50!!!

Hey, even if you've been married for a few years drag that dress out of moth balls and go get trashed and then give the georgeous images to your hubby for an anniversary gift. Now THAT's a creative gift!!

1 comment:

Ronna said...

What a cool idea! Mine is already ripped form my reception, so its halfway there! LOL