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Thursday, June 07, 2007

trying something new.....

For awhile now I have been playing around in photoshop trying to figure out how to get my pictures to look similar to the old polaroids that my baby book is filled with. Something about them are just so cool and well.....vintage. I came across an action, that is an automated set of conversions for those who don't speak photoshop, that kind of does what I have been looking for. So I made a few adjustments and I'm starting to love how it looks. Here is an example:

This picture is from a few weeks ago after church. It's Mia's Easter dress which I didn't actually take a picture of ON Easter because.......well, I'm lazy. ;)

Also, another little sneak peak of my new look coming soon.

Here is a comparison so you can see what it looks like right out of the camera, how I would usually process an image and then with the new polaroid treatment.

And one more because Mia is just so darn cute in her dress!!!

Leave me a comment and let me know what you think. Should I keep it, tweak it or scrap it?????


J Willis said...

wow-- I am first to comment --- I like the feel of this "vintage" action/conversion --- your processing looks great also (color popped)
but seriously her dress caught my eye--- are those poppies??? it is TOO
CUTE -- so is she!!! BTW--love the new logo/graphic look :)

ThePoeFam said...

YAY! It looks awesome!