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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

American Idol fan.....

Mia likes to watch American Idol. Notice the blue glow from the TV. When someone starts to sing she stops and watches intently. When they stop she goes back to playing. If she really likes a song then she will dance .......usually something with a super fast beat. She really shakes those hips too! I don't know where she learned to do that. It was NOT from me, that's for sure.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Having a Wanda moment....

Whenever Mia does something that reminds Saylor of my mom he says she is "having a Wanda moment." We have always teased my mom about how much she sweeps. She use to come over to my house when we lived just down the road and before I knew it she was sweeping my kitchen. Even if I had just done it! Mia likes to drag the broom around and this morning I caught her sweeping. She even was trying to use the dust pan! Now if you could just fold the laundry!!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

FUN couple......

*Click to see larger
These were taken Sunday afternoon. The couple was REALLY fun. I had a blast taking their pictures. The were pretty much up for anything I wanted to try. I LOVE that. They even crawled out on the waterfall. These are a just a few of my favorites. I really had to fight the sun and several pictures had a lot of shadows but I think they turned out pretty well. I hope they like them. These make me want to go back and take engagement pictures.

And on a different topic......Today is my 30th birthday. BUMMER! I just DID NOT want to be thirty!!!! I know I should have a positive attitude about know the next 30 will be better than the first 30. But I just can't get the thought that I am no longer in my 20's anymore out of my head. So I have decided to do a pro and con list comparing 20 to 30.

Age 20 (1996)

  • I was skinny
  • I was in college havin' fun!!!
  • I had NO stretch marks or C-section scars
  • I was single
  • I could function on less than 4 hrs. of sleep a night


  • I THOUGHT I was fat (wish I had dressed cuter)
  • I was in college writing papers and stressing over exams
  • I was single but wished I wasn't (if I knew I would meet HIM in just a few years I wouldn't have worried about being single SO much)
  • I had a roommate (who I loved) but could function on LESS sleep than me and we ALWAYS had people over.

Age 30 (2006)


  • Post baby fat and fatigue (I can barely walk up the stairs with out getting winded)
  • wishing I had the opportunity to do the things I had plenty of opportunities to do in college (Now I would take better advantage of that ceramics class I took and spend more time learning from that photography class instead of rushing off to hang out in the student center) I took them both the semester I pledged.
  • wishing I had gotten my degree in something besides art photography or graphic design. (YES, DAD YOU WERE RIGHT....sorta)
  • knowing that 30 is that magic age were doctors believe you are now a high risk pregnancy or you are more likely to develp osteoporosis or whatever is included in the deteroration of your body. (I watch too much daytime talk shows)


  • I have a great husband and daughter
  • We have a house we love, the nicest car I have ever owned and we can pay ALL our bills.....on-time.
  • I have in-laws that treat me wonderfully and they live JUST down the road, but don't drop by unannounced.
  • I have parents that love my husband and actually ENJOY spending time with him and they are proud of us.
  • I have great friends that mean more to me than I can ever express
  • The most important of all......I really....really love where I am in my life right now.

So I guess turning 30 is not so bad......but can I just call it 29 +1?

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Easter and a family....

Here are a few pictures of Mia from Sunday. Hunting Easter eggs. She had the cutest green dress, but we took it off her to take a nap after church and her pigtails came out when she was sleeping. By the time we got around to hunting eggs she was so excited I didn't care about the dress anymore. At first she didn't know why we were all in the backyard watching her but after her dad showed her a few eggs then she couldn't find them fast enough.

Here are a few of my favorites from the family photoshoot I had on Friday. My favorite of course is of the baby feet and the one at the bottom of the family holding hands. It was a lot of fun. The kids were great considering the heat. I was EXHAUSTED when I got home. Who knew taking pictures was such hard work!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

This should need no explanation.....

All taken this morning.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Adorable little Luke....

I've been working on editing some of the pictures from my photoshoot from yesterday and these are my favorites so far. He was so much fun. These are his one year pictures. I hope his parents are happy with them. His mom seemed thrilled and she hasn't even seen the pictures yet. The pool table pictures were her idea. Really cute idea. They will be great for them to enlarge and put in their game room. I can't decide between the first and the second yet as to which is my favorite, but I really love mom and baby pictures so I am leaning to the second. I'll share more later.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

New outfit.....

Just had to share this also. I made this for Mia yesterday. I saw one at a kid's store and they wanted $40 for it!!!! I spent less than $3.00 buying the stuff to make it with. I think it is SO cute. It is made from bandanas by the way. My poor kid is going to have a whole bandana wardrobe! I'm trying a dress next.

This afternoon....

I have been wanting to take pictures like these for a LONG time. I finally did it this afternoon. The one in the middle is my favorite OF Course! Thanks mom...for the use of the tub. The picture was taken in my dining room. I never have tried photos there because while my other camera is really good it just couldn't get the lighting right to get anything but dark pictures in the dining room. I love my new camera and can't wait to share more pictures.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A few from the weekend....

Here are a few pictures from the weekend. Hopefully I can post more soon. This was at the Dallas Arboretum. It is beautiful. A perfect place for pictures. Saturday is NOT the day to go for pictures though. There were a ton of people there. I had to spend a lot of time editing people out of some of the pictures. Overall, I am really happy with the pictures and hope Rachel will be too. Rachel was my college roommate and it is so cool to watch our daughters play together. It was a good weekend!

* I think if you click on the picture you can see a larger version.